A Powerful Letter…

I found out yesterday that one of my former student ministry workers had lost his dad.  What I knew about his dad was that his relationship with him had been non-existent for a number of years.  Alcohol had wrecked his dad’s life and the lives of his family.  My friend posted this letter on his blog, and I spent some time reading over it. Sad and powerful…

I have a few quick responses to it.

1) Who in my life needs to hear the Gospel that I have not taken the time to tell?  I don’t want to regret not sharing the Gospel message with those God has put in my life.  I am asking God to show me who I have not shared with that I need to.

2) Who in my life do I need to forgive?  I don’t want to my life to end and not have forgiven those who have wronged me.  God has forgiven me and I do not deserve it.  I am asking God to show me who I need to forgive today.

3) Who in my life do I need to love? I don’t want my life to end feeling like I have withheld love from people around me.  I am asking God to show me who I need to express my love to.

Oh, and thank you God for my Dad and the amazing man of God that he is.  I pray that I can be a great Dad to my children like he has been to me.

Preaching The Gospel To The Dechurched…

I was checking out some of the videos from Advance ’09, and came across Matt Chandler’s video on preaching the Gospel to the dechurched found here.  As usual great stuff from Matt.  In the message to a group of pastors he overviews the Church of Ephesus as we see them move from red hot passion for Christ and the Gospel to an introverted mechanical faith isolated from the world it was intended to love and influence.

I think the reason this message resonated with me and shook me is the difficult reality that working inside the church is such an amazing but dangerous calling.  It is very easy to loose my affection for Christ and focus soley on pragmatics such as building and maintaining systems…”producing a product.”  As of late I have consistently felt a deep calling from God to refocus on cultivating a hunger for God and returning to the place where ministry truly is an overflow.

So how does this connect with teaching the Gospel to the dechurched?  I know personally that I am not desperate to share the Gospel nor am I effective at sharing the Gospel with others when I am disconnected from the author of the Gospel.  I must reestablish in my mind and my heart the dire need I have for God while being reawakened to the reality of his indescribable love and grace.  Now, I find myself praying and asking God to stir in me a renewed desire to know Him and then make Him known.

What I’ve Learned From Keirah…

Keirah Ashlyn Shock

Keirah Ashlyn Shock

Today is our second daughter, Keirah’s, bday.  In honor of her, I thought I would list out some of the things God has taught me through her over the past 5 years…

1) God in control…God has been working on my control issues since the day I was born, but with Keirah’s health challenges and out of the box personality, I have daily wrestled with my flesh on letting go.  I realize that God put Keirah together and knew about her sensory struggles long before I did.  I want to control her behavior rather than lead her through the difficulties she faces.  I believe that God gave us Keirah to help me in my spiritual formation in this area, and she is bringing God glory daily.

2) Putting others first…I am regularly challenged by the servant heart of Keirah.  She amazes me in her generosity, and others-centeredness.  She is so willing to share and let others go first.  It seems to come so easily for her.  She is the first to respond to need in our home and constantly looks for ways to help.  Sometimes it appears she is not listening or is unaware of what is happening around her, but as soon as someone needs something she dashes off to get what is needed.  There are moments I am deeply convicted by the God as I watch her operate so selflessly and her actions helps me to refocus on putting people first.

3) What really matters most…As I interact with Keirah, I can get overwhelmed some times by the chaos and lose site of what really matters most.  I get lost in the moment and forget that she is a gift from God and that things that feel so important, in the in the scope of eternity do not really matter.  Her smile and hugs bring me back to reality.  God has used her to point me to Him.

4) Dealing with imperfection. I like everything to be nice, neat, and orderly.  My perfectionism is really about my struggle with image management.  I want everything to appear smooth and “all good” on the surface.  Wow, she stretches me here!  Messes and disorder can be the norm for her.  I know Keirah will grow in her orderliness as she gets older, but during the past 5 years God has definitely used her to help me work on not being some consumed with my image and what others think.

5) Forgiveness…is hard.  I don’t think that I tend to hold on to things, but I do like justice.  Keirah is one who forgives easily, asks forgiveness quickly, and she really let’s things go.  I know she is young and can move on the next thing because she is distracted by other things, but sometimes I stand in awe of how she does not retaliate when she is treated unkindly or unfairly.  Jesus is the most amazing example of doing this, and Keirah has shown me glimpses of Jesus in how she responds to being hurt by someone else.

6) Joy!…Keirah has joy, and brings joy to those around her.  It’s not just her smile, she is a fun child. She loves to play and bring others in to have fun.  I can be too serious and intense a lot of times.  She enjoys life and makes everything more fun.  I love the fact she helps me to lighten up.  Her singing and playfulness is such a huge blessing.

Just writing these down has made me emotional.  I am so thankful to God for each of our 4 kiddos, and today, especially Keirah!  She brings us so much joy and growth.  Thanks for reading this, it has been a little personal therapy as well as reflection. 🙂

Finally Got The New Blog Started…

Over the past year or so, I have gotten into following blogs and have thought about creating one of my own.  Not that I have much to say that others would want to read, but rather to point people to great stuff that I am reading and learning from.  So, this blog will probably be random like I tend to be, but hopefully helpful to others along the way as well.